Guarantee of Principal + Interest

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How It Works

  • Guarantee of principal + interest
  • First year guaranteed interest rate equals 6.57% This rate includes a 1.5% up-front bonus added to a 5% interest rate
  • Interest is tax deferred
  • A fixed annuity could reduce taxation of social security income – minimum interest rate is 2.8%
  • Suitable for IRA transfers, 403(b) and 401(k) rollovers and tax-free 1035 exchanges
  • Maximum issue age: 85 – no annual contract fees
  • Minimum investment: $10,000
  • Those providing contact information may be contacted by a licensed insurance agent
  • Not available in all 50 states
  • Other contract provisions apply

*Death benefit: Account value – (Surrender penalties waived at death) | *Interest rate of 6.57% in the first year is subject to change | *A six (6) year surrender fee schedule will apply

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